Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Same ole NEGROES!

While national news stations in local areas have cut their focus on Michale Jackson, 24 hour news stations and entertainment websites have not.

While you American Negroes have gone on with your lives, Joe Jackson and others are saying foul play with murder was the case. This should have shut the country down. but like the old days when some NEGROES watch 3 white guys hang a black person some of y'all doing the same thing.

Michael Jackson was killed right in front of our faces along with the mysterious deaths of many other celebrities. All you Negroes do is stand around and watch them hang from a noose.

While Joe Jackson is using the Art of War, the media is twisting all his interviews around the next day in the papers.

For example, when Joe did the interview on Larry King the other day, the papers and major websites focused on him beating Michael as a child. Michael was 50 years old but the media is playing this thing like he was a child.

This is murder to the highest degree with lies, trickery and distractions.